International Ship Recycling Association

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One of our proud members: Changjiang Ship-breaking Yard!
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One of our proud members: M.A.R.S A/S!
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One of our proud members: Leyal Demtas Gemi Sokum!
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One of our proud members: Environmental Protection Engineering S.A.!
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One of our proud members: Oge Gemi Sokum Ithalat Ihracat Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.S.!
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One of our proud members: EGE Celik San. VE TIC A.S.!
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One of our proud members: Avsar Ship Recycling!
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One of our proud members: Sea2Cradle!
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One of our proud members: Işıksan Ship Recycling!


Ship recycling starts with awareness. ISRA is active promoting responsible ship recycling  on maritime educational  institutes;

ISRA supports initiatives to put ship recycling on the regular curriculum as an integral part of shipping business.

ISRA supports students who are interested in this subject.

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ISRA is and has been present in numerous  (online) meetings and conferences concerning green shipping or ship recycling. With this presence ISRA contributes to the awareness of sound ship recycling
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Finance of a ship should always incorporatea clause for responsible ship recycling. The rate of depreciation should address this principle.

ISRA is active in contacts withy shipowners and banks to underline this necessity at the start of the process of new builds.

ISRA embraces the EU Regulation concerning the taxonomy on green investments.

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Shipowners are key players in the field of ship recycling ISRA is active approaching them bilaterally and talks with their respective (international) representation organizations.
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A very important aspect to see that responsible ship recycling is on the agenda of the policy makers.

ISRA is very active in this field whether it concerns formulating policies or a proper enforcement of the existing regulations.

Various national and international gremia  ( International Maritime Organization,  European Commission and European Parliament)  are frequently approached.

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Actual Developments

13th List of EU approved ship recycling facilities, July 2024
Read the full article

Coming events

We attend many conferences over the world. Look at our agenda to see which one.

Our Roots

The International Ship Recycling Association (ISRA) was founded and statutory located in The Hague in October 2007. For the first time in history a company based organization was founded to promote and facilitate the environmentally sound and safe recycling of ships.

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Actual policy developments

EU Taxonomy Regulation

The Taxonomy Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 22 June 2020 and entered into force on 12 July 2020.

The Taxonomy Regulation establishes environmental objectives, amongst them:
Pollution prevention and control.

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Criminal Law

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a new EU Directive to crack down on environmental crime by strengthening the protection of the environment through criminal law. The proposal intends to make protection of the environment more effective by obliging States to take criminal law measures.

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Waste Shipment Regulation

The new Waste Shipment Regulation has three goals: ensuring that the EU does not export its waste challenges to third countries; making it easier to transport waste for recycling and reuse in the EU; and better tackling illegal waste shipments. This will ensure that the EU does not export its pollution abroad.

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By becoming an (Associate) member of ISRA, organizations commit themselves to the objectives of the safe and sound ship recycling. Through their membership they emphatically express their environmental responsibility in the chain of the global shipping industry, whether it concerns the recycling yards or other key players in the shipping industry.

Being settled in (inter-)national networks*, ISRA is able to respond and intervene quickly in particular situations. Members of ISRA can take advantage of ISRA’s access to various international bodies.

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